imagines, 2021

metal garden shed, wood, copper tubes, wildflower seeds, Geosmin, vibration

Upon entering the exhibition space, viewers enter a dark L-shaped narrow wooden corridor leading directly into a raised ready-made metal garden shed. All sides of the shed is vibrating, emanating a cacophony of noises, reminiscent of machines on cusp of breaking down. As the vibration intensifies, a mixture of seeds falling down from the copper tubes on the ceiling, into and around the metal grid covered hole on the floor. The space is filled with geosmin, a chemical compound with a distinct earthy odour, responsible for the smell of soil and rain. In a condensed and artificially synthesised version, the scent is pungent and lingering.

moths II
exuviae (3 a.m.)
moths I
exuviae I
out of mist
exuviae (slip)
vent (circle)
vent (4 way type 1)